Clinics & Bootcamps

Horsemanship Clinics

AM class: Foundation Horsemanship (Groundwork) PM Class: Horsemanship (Riding)
When doing groundwork we are teaching our horses (and ourselves) to be light and responsive in the movements we ask of them. When they understand what we are asking and we ask politely they are usually more than willing to do it for us. Our task is to become clear as leaders to help them understand. In the afternoon class, we will be in the saddle utilizing what we taught our horses from the ground. This class will help you develop a riding partner who is calm, balanced, light, and responsive.

Trail Obstacle Clinics

We will use horsemanship to maneuver smoothly through obstacles. We will be out on the trails for these clinics so our horses can get used to approaching and navigating things they don’t expect. Our goal is a.) to prepare you for what you and your horse may come across on the trails and b.) to have fun putting our horsemanship to work and challenging our horses’ minds!

Cow Working Clinic

In this clinic, we will introduce your horse to cattle as well as teach you how to move, work, and cut a cow. You will work individually and as a team, all while using fundamental horsemanship maneuvers. The afternoon class will focus on incorporating more advanced horsemanship maneuvers to cut, sort, and work cattle in different real life ranch/branding scenarios. This clinic is great because it allows you to apply your horsemanship to a “job”. Moving cattle can really get your horse interested in following your leadership when they start to understand why you are asking them certain things. Having a focus and a goal also helps us see why the horsemanship is so critical.


AM Class:
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (one class is both Sat and Sun morning)
PM Session:
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM (one class is both Sat and Sun afternoon)

$300/Class (Sat/Sun AM or Sat/Sun PM)

$550 Both Classes (The Whole Weekend)

$50 Cattle Fee for Cow Working Clinic

$30 Audit
$30 Stall Fee per Night

$30 Electric per Night (first come first serve)


Email for information about fees and availability.


For more information or to register for a clinic please contact Michael at