Through demonstrations and clear, concise explanations, our goal is to help you learn skills that will help you enjoy your horse.
Our head trainer, Michael Sparling, first taught not in an arena but in a college classroom. He brings to the arena a skill set honed in the classroom. You will notice a difference. He is able to translate complex horse behaviors into common sense language. With Michael, you get the wisdom of an experienced trainer who also happens to be an experienced educator.
Horsemanship Bootcamp is a multi-week horsemanship education program that is geared towards developing the human to understand the balance between using horsemanship, to be better for the horse, and horse development, to help the horse be educated so the two of you can enjoy success together.
While at the Bellwether Farm you and your horse will learn, as you are ready, to:
- Understand the mechanics and positions of clear communication.
- Develop a “feel” in how you present these to your horse.
- Evaluate your horse and yourself so you can identify the appropriate presentation or progression to help you and your horse to make positive change.
- Break down exercises to their component parts so you know how to teach yourself and your horse.
- Execute many of the following tasks as you are ready and time allows:
Groundwork – round pen work, hooking on, haltering, leading by, flag work, united circle, hindquarter yields, the half circle exercise, transitions, forequarter yields, backing up of the lead and the rein, rope work, trailer loading, bridling and saddling.
Riding – lateral flexion, four methods of moving the hindquarters, one rein stopping for balance, soft feel, transitions w/t/l, hindquarter/forequarter turns, riding serpentines, circles and lines, short serpentines, leg yields, haunches in, half pass, stops, mounting and dismounting.
Roping* – using ropes to develop your horse, exercises to get handy at managing a rope, basic swing, basic shots on dummy, roping dummy horseback, heeling a cow, heading and tracking a cow, holding a cow.
Cow working* - introducing your horse to cattle, reading cattle and a herd, tracking a cow, directing a cow, directing a herd, holding a cow.
*Dependent on interest and availability
We offer individual and group lessons. Additionally, we offer personalized workshops tailored to specific participant interests or needs.
*Pricing and schedule available upon request*