When we work with a horse, our goal is to assure them there is no need to protect themselves, that things will work out between us and there is peace to be found doing things together. Our focus is on getting a horse gentle while developing a clear and confident understanding of all that is involved with quality riding. It takes leadership, patience, and consistency to develop a horse and that's what we try to offer every horse.
Starting a horse no matter what it’s age or gender is about exposing the horse to things that may cause him some concern, to assure him there is no danger in what you ask of him from the ground or when riding. A quality start is extremely important to set up your horse as your partner for years to come. The following are some of the things that will be covered with your horse:
Groundwork (leading, yielding, rope work, flag work)
Trailer Loading
Vet Preparation (needle prep, deworming prep, lifting tail for temp)
Farrier Preparation
Saddling on a slack rope
Bridling and giving softly to a snaffle bit
Riding in arena on a loose rein
Developing the beginning of a soft feel
Swing a rope, dragging a log
Trail Riding
Horse Development builds on what has been accomplished in the colt start. Developing a horse’s understanding of communication in the snaffle bit. As much or as little work as is necessary will be done on the ground to catch the horse up with the colt start foundation. Time will be spent Developing and/or Improving on the following:
Overall confidence
Responsiveness to legs and reins
Soft Feel
Lateral work
Swinging a rope, dragging logs
Addressing “behavior problems”
*Training package pricing and schedule available upon request*
Photos Courtesy of Nicole Poyo Photography